The Biggest Reason For Golfers 3 Putting

What Causes Golfers To 3 Putt.

The biggest reason we see for 3 putting from distance is the inability of the golfer to change the swing length and keep the pace of the putting stroke consistent.  Basically we see golfers having the same length backstroke, whether they have a 15-foot putt or a 45-foot putt.

Generally we see the back swing length is pretty good for most golfers on 15 foot putts.  However we then see golfers using the same back swing for longer putts and with a short back swing you need to accelerate a lot on the through stroke to get the ball to the hole.  This rate of acceleration makes it difficult to get consistent distance control.

The best way to think of long putting is the length of the backstroke dictates the distance control, not the effort level.

Start Getting Those Long Putts Closer

Start by videoing yourself hitting some putts from different distances.  Then determine if you control the distance of your putts with the length of back stroke or effort through the ball.  If you are controlling distance through effort and you would like to improve your long putting then try lengthening your back swing and having a slower than normal through stroke.

Time To Revaluate Your Putting

Now video yourself again.  Hopefully you will see that the backstroke length and through swing length are symmetrical on both sides of the ball position.


This change is only worth considering if you struggle with distance control or just want to get that little bit better at putting.  My hunch though is if you do control your length of putts by effort level you are probably not going to be as efficient as you would like to be.

As always please leave your comments and we look forward to hearing from you.  For more great drills and videos on putting click here..

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  1. Jim

    I never thought of it that way- not varying effort level. Can’t wait to try it.

    1. Andy

      Hope it helps Jim. Keep us posted.

  2. SteveR

    Thanks Guys. I’m only relatively new to the game ( About 5 months ) and finding a lot of inconsistency in my putting. Now that ive now tried this method I have gone from 4-5 and sometimes 6 putting ( …

    1. Andy

      Hi Steve. That’s great! Glad your putting has improved!! Keep up the great work and keep us posted.



  3. rippedskier

    Thanks guys! I’ll definitely work on this. I 3 putt my first 7 holes on my last round, so I need improvement. The greens were tough and fast, but 3 putting that much is not good…..


    1. Andy

      Glad you like the video! Please keep us posted on how you get on and let us know how you get on.



  4. surfingsk8r

    So here is a question for you based on my observation of my own playing. When i putt I have found that I am most accurate when I vary the length of my back swing just as the article suggests, but I a…

    1. Piers Ward

      Hi what a great question, ok the first thing to say is be careful what you change as if it works then you should really keep it. But for the future it would be worth looking at how you can improve, t…

  5. John Christopher Collard

    I can’ wait to get out and try this – unfortunately, I am one of those who has tested positive for the COVID virus and have just been locked away. I really like the training I have received. I am look…

    1. Andy

      Hi John. Hope you are ok and getting back to normal soon. Happy to hear that you are enjoying the content. Hopefully you will be back out there soon. Stay safe and take care.

